jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013


Hello dear readers! This time I´m going to talk about 2013, my decisions and situations lived on this crazy year. Some theory says that all is relative, and time is not the exception, sometimes is really fast or really slow. For me this year goes fast, more than I expected. I´m still thinking that is May but no, is December and I can´t explain how.
2013, year full of experiences I think. In January 2nd the love of my live, my little mouse named Roquefort leave this word, he gets ill the first day of the year but any veterinary (or shop) opened that day. The next day I went to the veterinary with him but it was impossible to save him. I´m still remember that sad day. I´m remember him almost every day and I can´t have any other pet.
Roquefort is the reason why I made my decision, before 2014, I get a mouse tattoo. Roquefort was a fighter, he was rescued from a laboratory, they made experiments with him but he never have afraid with me or any human. He was my partner too, my love, my little boy, my company, my everything.

This year I made another important decision. I will change my name, now I have the contact with a lower and my case will starts soon. I´m very excited because since I have 16 years old I want to change the order of my last names.

Finally, this year is very important to me because I´m reconnected with my dear friends. I met them in 2009 and we lose the contact when I enter in the university but now everything is like in the past.      

I hope that 2014 bring us only good moments. Bye bye!!! 

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

girl power?

Hello readers! Today I would talk you about a video called “Social media and the end of gender” In this video Johanna Blakley talks about the “old school” media, the “new school” social media, the gender and the stigmatization.
Firstly she starts talking about the stereotyped and disoriented gender. Then she talks about “old school media” (like TV, radio and videogames), that help with this stereotyped construction.
They understand the world with categories, so, they classified people with a demographic way (for example by age or gender) and with this method they know what you like and what not. With your age they can know the music, books or movies that you like. if you think like that a teenager can`t like old music because she`s not on her music category.
It that sounds strange? No, a lot of people can love things out of they own category and is perfectly normal.  
The “new school social media” logic classified people by what they like; this is more important that your age or your gender.  
Some studies say that woman is on the top of the social media revolution but, is possible that in the future the social media can be a feminist thing? Blakley says no but that scene can make a revolutionary thing, get over with the gender –destined things (like movies or series).
Nowadays, if you want to understand the people, you can get more information asking what they like that asking they age.  
In my opinion I think that the “new school” media thinking is very interesting because we can get the option to choose what we like, instead of determined stereotipes  

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

GREEN!!!! :D

Some people think that be “green” (an ecologic person) is only for hippie people. Now the cities grow up more and more, just like the pollution on the planet  
The pollution is a serious problem in our lives because these causes illness and kill animals and plants. But if we do little things we can change the world (is not necessary to be hippie to do that). There are some examples of little and big “green” things:  

With seven plastic bottles, newspaper, glue and patient, you can make a little chair or a coffee table. With this idea you can recycle and get beautiful furniture with a little amount of money.

The old woman in the picture is Maria Ponce, she has 78 years old. She built with her hands a colorful house with plastic bottles.

Using a beer or a soda can you can make a cookie shaper, with every shape that you want, is useful for different events and you can help the planet too.

You can get an original and useful rotating table; you can keep all your books and is very decorative. That creation was made with a construction trash, rocks and wheels.     

Using the top of the plastic bottles and an ordinary bag you can made a hermetic bag. With that simple thing you can save a lot of money.
See? There are a lot of different ideas to using things than normally you throw into the trash can. Be green, be happy.       

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Turn off your cell phone

Actually technology is everywhere and now is a very important part of our lives. When I walk on the street I can see a lot of people using mobile phones, tablets, photo cameras, notebooks and more! But I think that actually the most important thing in this “revolution” is the mobile phones.   
Now with a cell phone you can watch your mail, play, watch videos, listen music, send instant messages AND call. I mean, that little thing can make the same (and more) that a big computer but you can put it in your pocket.

But remember that each thing have a bad side. I think that the excessive use of cell phone can create an addiction. In that case you are controlled by the technology, now is not a tool, is a necessary thing.

The dependence of mobile phone can break the social relations. Unfortunately see a group of persons together but each one looking their own phone is a reality more and more common.

Personally I have my own “Android” cell phone with mobile internet but I use to play some videogames, send instant messages with watsapp and call. I play the games (pokemon specifically) when I´m alone; I use whatsapp only in special cases and I don´t talk a lot because my call minutes are limited.

Just like me I know a lot of people that don´t need a cell phone on the hands all the time. I hope that this situation never change because is too boring stay with friends and don´t talk them because they are too busy with his phones. I prefer go out without all this technology and be free for a while. 

Be happy and have a nice week!    

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

wine of happiness

Hello reader! Today I would like to show you a very “funny” new.  That new comes from a Chilean newspaper called “La Tercera”.
To drink a glass of wine everyday reduces the probabilities to get depression. With this weird sentence that new starts.
The “BMC Medicine” magazine reports a PREDIMED study. The result says that drink wine with moderation will be associated with depression. The alcohol has protectors effects on depression just like with heart disease.
Drink alcohol actually is a popular and massive behavior. In that context other studies say that the excessive consume of this drink it was related with health problems and mental problems like depression. But there are not very studies about the exclusive relation between mental disorders and consume of alcohol.
That new study analyze the relation of moderated consume of alcohol (using wine like the principal alcoholic drink) and depression. With annual visits, medical exams, questionnaires and interviews hey follow (for 7 years) around 5500 drinkers between 55 and 80 years old and study his consume of alcohol, mental health and lifestyle. The results finally say that the person who drink alcohol with moderation have less possibilities to get depression.  
In my personal opinion I think that this study is very stupid.  The variables “drink wine” and “to develop” depression doesn’t have any significant correlation to validate their hypothesis. I think the result of this study was hilarious.
“La Tercera” have a daily print version.  And also they have a web site with all this news. If you want to see the “wine new”, check the website and laugh with me. See you next week!   

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

happiness :D

Hello reader! This time I´m going to talk about a video, “The surprising science of happiness”. In this video Dan Gilbert talks about happiness studies and his conclusions.
Starts talking about the brain and his “history”. How the brain become more complex and unique if you make a compare with the brain of other species. Mention the apparition of the pre-frontal cortex. All this changes on the human brain helps to the creation of synthetic happiness.  
Synthetic happiness is a construction created in our minds because natural happiness is too hard to get in a limited-freedom context. Dan Gilbert says that the synthetic happiness is equally important that the natural happiness. The big difference between these two concepts is the freedom. More freedom is more natural happiness and less synthetic happiness and less freedom is more synthetic happiness and less natural happiness.
I think that the concept “happiness” is very important to each person. A lot of people spends all his life searching that happiness and sometimes they really don´t know about the meaning of this word. Is important don´t forget that the actual society can take away our freedom (is the way to live with others without problems).

With these ideas you can think that the synthetic happiness is good sometimes but the natural happiness is necessary because that shows our real freedom.                   

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

One chapter and I go to bed…

Welcome back reader! This time I`m going to talk about guilty pleasures. UF! Some people can think that a “guilty pleasure” is a bad thing but I don´t think that. I think that a guilty pleasure is a way to escape, is YOUR place, you can feel comfortable and safe. The problem is when the person abused that way because a pleasure can be an addiction.
 Personally I have two guilty pleasures and I proud of them:
The first pleasure is new. My mom give me a new mobile phone and a friend installed me an awesome game “pokemon ruby”. I can play it wherever I go. I think that’s the reason why I can´t stop playing.

The second pleasure is watch series and anime (Japanese animations). Internet is a great way to get that series and keep your money safe (series and movies are too expensive in this days). I can watch hours and hours, day and night, I think that is better during the night. The problem is the next morning because I look like a zombie.

Finally I need to say that my two pleasures takes a lot (A LOT!) of time, but they don´t makes serious problems in my life, so I want to keep them with me.